Carmen Reina


Carmen Reina is an expert on Artificial Intelligence. She received a Mathematical Sciences degree in 1994 at the University Complutense of Madrid, with a major in Statistics and Operations research.
Carmen Reina is an expert on Artificial Intelligence. She received a Mathematical Sciences degree in 1994 at the University Complutense of Madrid, with a major in Statistics and Operations research.

At the present, she works as manager in everis Data Science & Business Analytics department. Also, she is mentoring in Artificial Intelligence group as voluntary.

She worked as Synergic Academy Coordinator, assuming leadership, supervision and coordination of project management of internal and external training of the company. This role include Training Programs definition.

She also worked as Big Data and Data Analytic Project Manager at Synergic Partners. She managed several Analytic projects in Banking sector. Between them: churn reduction, advanced segmentations for CRM departments, Big Data use case definition and Big Data’ specialist training projects .

Before that she is worked as Data Scientist at Atos where she was involved in several Big Data Projects. In these project she developed several machine learning methods and data, text and web mining tools for classification, clustering and prediction in several areas as financial, health, energy and utilities.

During the past years she worked as Research and Innovation Project Manager in the Health Sector of Atos Research and Innovation. She participated between others in FP6 and FP7 projects such as Loccandia, Dynamo, Mediate or Cajal4EU as Project Manager and Data Scientist.

She works with R, Weka, MatLab, Mathematica, SPSS, Octave and other statistic’s software. Also with MADlib, a library that apliyes MapReduce to machine learning algoritms. She also works with visualization tools as Tableu, dj.3s and R graphical libraries as RShiny and Rgooglevis.

During these years, Carmen also has become an expert on Funding Opportunities; National Programmes funding, European RDI Programmes funding (Horizon2020, FP7, CIP, ARTEMIS, AAL, etc).

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